Horseshoe Bend Chamber of Commerce: Driving Growth and Collaboration

Horseshoe Bend Chamber of Commerce serves the movers and shakers, the dreamers and doers, and every vibrant soul looking to carve out a slice of success in our charming town of Horseshoe Bend, AR!

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a vision as wide as the Arkansas sky or a seasoned business owner aiming to scale new heights, we're here to fan those flames of ambition.

Join us, and let's turn those dreams into dazzling realities together! 🌟

This site is in Development, open for discussion and improvement, any constructive input is welcome.

Economic Development

Horseshoe Bend Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of local businesses in Horseshoe Bend, AR by leveraging the latest technology to deliver the maximum impact in brand promotion and growth.

Horseshoe Bend Chamber of Commerce, as a central figure in Horseshoe Bend's Economic Development, drives  innovation and change by connecting businesses, individuals, & entrepreneurs through frequent events and projects.

Change neon light signage
Change neon light signage

Click Here to Read Our Blog

HBCC Meetings
woman wearing blue dress reading magazine near body of water during daytime
woman wearing blue dress reading magazine near body of water during daytime

Events and Networking

red and white coca cola signage
red and white coca cola signage
Community Outreach

Our hearts are set on being economic development and hospitality partners with the City of Horseshoe Bend.

Together, we make Horseshoe Bend the place to thrive, filled with smiles, high-fives, and a community spirit that's as unbreakable as it is warm. 🤝💖

a group of paper squares
a group of paper squares
woman wears black tank top
woman wears black tank top
Business Awards

Celebrate the success of local businesses in Horseshoe Bend by participating in our annual business awards event.

🌟 Dancing in Sync with Local Leaders:

  • At HBCC, we're all about twirling together with local government to lead Horseshoe Bend into a future filled with prosperity and growth. Think of us as partners in progress, always ready to lend a hand (or a dance move) to move our beloved town forward.

    💼 Championing Your Voice in the Halls of Power:

  • Whether it's ordinances that need a tweak or resolutions that need a cheer, HBCC is on the front lines, ensuring your voice is heard loud and clear. Our goal? To cultivate a Horseshoe Bend that's not just ripe, but bursting with opportunities for economic development and growth.

    📣 Turning Ideas into Action:

  • We're not just talk; we're about action. By providing insightful commentary on proposed changes, we aim to shape a community that thrives on innovation and inclusivity. Your ideas deserve a spotlight, and we're here to make sure they get one.

We've got our rulebook out and we're playing by the book

– our bylaws are up and shining like a beacon, guiding us through! 📚✨

HBCC will host 6 to 15 dazzling member meetings every year. 🎉

We're all in, heart and soul, to uplift and sprinkle a little extra happiness across our Horseshoe Bend community – because together, we're not just strong, we're unstoppable! 🌟💪

Share your spark of genius!

silhouette of Amberly Martin riding on paddle boards
silhouette of Amberly Martin riding on paddle boards

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